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MT4 Notifications

This guide is to assist you in setting up notifications on your mobile device when an error popups up or when the license has expired. You may also choose to be notified of all trade transactions.

Description Remarks
1 Ensure that you have

1) PineConnector MT4 EA Version 2.060 or later
2) MetaTrader 4 Application installed on your mobile device

In your MetaTrader 4 App, go to "Settings" and tap on "Chat and Messages"
2 Register for an account if your do not have a MetaQuotes account.
Sign In to your account if you have one.

Once signed in, Your MetaQuotes ID will be at the bottom.
3 On your computer's MetaTrader 4,
Open Settings (CTRL+O) and go under "Notifications".

Ensure that you have ticked "Enable Push Notifications". Tick "Notify of trade transactions" if you prefer that.

Input your MetaQuotes ID from Step 2 and click "Test".

You should be able to see a notification on your device.
4 Your device will now receive notifications when an error popups up on your MetaTrader 4 and when your license expires.

Done with setting up notifications!